I am confident you all will do well for our upcoming exam about Industrialization and Economic Modernization. To aid your study, review the following:
Key Concepts
Major Technological Advancements (at least 2)
John D. Rockefeller
Chinese and Eastern/Southeastern European Immigration
Andrew Carnegie
J.P. Morgan
“The Gilded Age” Government Corruption
Social Darwinism
Monopolies and Trusts
Industrial Economy
Grover Cleveland
U.S. Supreme Court
Edward Bellamy
Also be sure to review your notes and graphic organizers about the following primary sources:
Andrew Carnegie's Wealth
Mary Elizabeth Lease's Wall Street Owns the Country
Booker T. Washington’s Plight of Black Tenant Farmers
Life of a Sweatshop Girl
John D. Rockefeller’s Defense of Rebates
A Tailor Testifies
Henry George’s Crime of Poverty
Reverend J. L. Moore on the Colored Farmers Alliance