Friday, March 11, 2016

Week of March 14th-18th

One more week until Spring Break, what a great time for a break from school. You've been working hard in and out of school, whether that means taking part in Fiddler on the Roof, Choir concerts, basketball, baseball, track, working after school or on the weekends, and of course, homework for other classes.

This week we will wrap up our exploration of U.S. expansionism at the turn of the 20th century. Our goals for this week are:
  • (Wrap up) Analyze the causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War
  • Compare and contrast the major U.S. foreign policies of the era, including: the Monroe Doctrine, Open Door Policy, Benevolent Assimilation, The Roosevelt Corollary,  Big Stick Diplomacy, and Dollar Diplomacy.
  • Analyze the role U.S. foreign policy in the construction of the Panama Canal.
Also, be sure to complete any outstanding homework. For many of you, this means finishing your:
  • Unsung (S)heros project
  • Clarion Op-Ed about U.S. expansionism
  • Political and Economic Motivations Graphic Organizer
Here are the slides from class: